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Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Freedom of speech all over the world
“Congress shall make o law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; abridging the freedom of the speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peacefully to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievance”,- the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.
Freedom of the press - is the right to speak, to express your own opinion, to publish articles without any permission of the government or other country rulers. The more media are independent, the more the country develops by itself. Every people can express their own opinion. The government does not control the speech of the press. But not all countries all over the world are free, for example in CIS countries one absolutely free country is – Ukraine. It is because of the orange” revolution. The newspaper journalists and broadcasters are joined together and counterattack, protest from the regime for biased coverage of the tainted elections. There is no punishment in the Ukraine country. Libel is not criminal. “Sure, you can criticize it now more easily, you know you won’t get arrested or killed, but it’s not making any difference. Freedom of speech is just one part of democratic society: The authorities have to respond to it. Otherwise, it’s one-way traffic”, - says Serhiy Leshchenko, online journalist in Ukrainska Pradva, (Ukrainian truth).
In the other hand there is another country that doesn’t think about freedom of the press. For example: Belarus. This country has no freedom of expression. It is in the second place from the end of the list of the most “free” countries in the freedom of the press by study of “Freedom House”. The lack of freedom is because most of mass media is owned by Belarus government. Media is absolutely monopolized, and independent media have no access to print or broadcast news, and another problem is taxes. Media owners must pay a high degree taxes and high distribution and printing fees.
Looking to the United States press, it is free. As for the First Amendment, Congress protects the press from the government. Mass media now is more independent, it may cover a topics that they want to describe and “open eyes” for society. In “not free” countries government can control people through the media sources. Country rulers own a major part of media and give to know for the journalists what they need to write. Journalists write topics that government members give to press, and they write important information. These are because people that work in mass media world afraid in losing their jobs. Countries like Kazakhstan and its media is trying to be free. There are already created many independent press and online-newspapers. Kazakhstan is only developing country, its independence is only 15 years old, and US is developing for hundred years. One day Kazakhstan will attain “free speech” rang too, and everyone will express their opinion and have rights for freedom of speech.


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