Hello! This is my web blog. Enjoy! (= Aliya =)

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Online Communications

Another way of people communicating with each other is Online Forum. It is very interesting to discuss topics with another people in your country or in other country.

In Internet, these kinds of forums create in 1995. The virtual communications are very popular these days. In Internet there are not only web forums, but also a net messenger, ICQ*, e-mail, online-chats, hi5, hipper terminal ** and others.

*ICQ - is communicating program. The person downloads up the program from Internet, registries in the site and takes a personal number, for example 123-456-789. This program is owned by Time Warner's America Online subsidiary. It is created in 1996. But, What is the meaning of the word "ICQ"? It is very easy to understand it, "ICQ" = "I seek you". =) Nowadays, using microphone and digital Camera it is possible to see the person you communicating with and you can play with him.

**Hipper terminal - it is program when person using modem tool can communicate with other man. And it is very useful to send him files. For example, Aliya forget her presintation in her friends home. She calls him and says that she needs it now. Than, when communication is ready, she receives presentation immediately. Without internet connection.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Here is a link to Wikipedia web site.


Tuesday, September 05, 2006

KAzakhstan Online

Kazakhstan is developing country. The online is developing too. In the Kazakhstan, there are about 231 hub. But Kazakhstanish site maker are trying to do their best in the creating a best web site.
People can watch videos, download information, like MP3-music, books, read news, also create sites, communicate with each other or to broadcast TV movies or news.
However, the country can't do their best. Nawadays it is impossible to see something like hi5, ICQ, live journal or search sites that were created by Kazakhstan.

The Russian online service is much more developed. They create a big online tool names RUNET. It is also cover a biggest part of world wide web. For example: Narod website halp to create your own sites for free, sitecity too.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Hello !
My name is Aliya =)
i am Kimep student.

This is New Information Technologies course.