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Tuesday, October 31, 2006

"TAN" channel's story

According to the article “A press repressed” written by Bob Cullen, a journalist and novelist. He is also the author of “Why Golf? The Mystery of the Game Revisited” and “National Geographic”, 2002, there was an incident when the national TV channel “Tan” (dawn) was turned off from the air in the March 29, 2002. As Bob Cullen states, the Tan stopped its broadcasting because TV channel presented a news item, in which the head of opposition party Galumzhan Zhakiyanov called for Democratic Choice. On the other hand, it might be due to the fact that Tan reported that a daughter of the President of Kazakhstan ordered to “Air Kazakhstan” company to take her in Dubai for the winter furlough, while hundreds of passengers were left in Almaty airport. Alternatively, it can be the fact that Tan was founded by the member of the President’s cabinet and afterwards shifted to the opposition side.

Uneven breaches of the requirements of legislation were recorded in “Tan” TeleRadioCompany. The channel was accused for breaking the law of copyrights and translation of movies without any agreements with legal owners. That is why on March 9, at 12.20 a.m. representatives of Almaty Department of advertising and information of the Ministry of Transport and Communication allowed for the continuation of broadcasting till April 7. By this time TV channel had to eliminate all its breaches.

In my esearch some interesting facts were found during the research in the history of this channel. During the night of March 29, 2002 unknown people chopped up the cable of television transmitter with gun shots. 9 shots were exactly disablement feeder, on air cable of the Tan channel. The hold ups on cable were made twice: on the March 27, malicious penetrates cut out 2 cables of transmitted antennas that were it the roof of the building where the Tan channel was situated. From this building TeleRadioCompany was transmitted live air programmes. That is way there were overlapped power supply and air signal. Technical service has restored the cable, but there were another hold up in March 29 in which the cable was tore from the gun shoots. Of course, the TV channel Tan has broken some laws, and that is why it was closed. However, the Ministry of information was very strict to them. Such kind of problem can be solved in other way. The ministry just can tell to the director of the channel Bakhytzhan Ketebayev to solve problems immediately or there will be heavy consequences on the Tan channel. Nevertheless, the channel was closed down for 6 month. It was the first time in 10-year history of Tan’s operation that the channel was closed. In the mid April, working staff began to repair and change all equipment. Approximately on the April 17, the channel acquired all rights and licenses to begin its work again. But who gave a command not to broadcast Tan channel to the air? Of course the Ministry of transport and communication. That is why, Tan channel had no access to begin its work again as it was 6 month ago. At the end, this channel was owned by the Media-holding TRC “Channel 31”, which also owned a TV channel, radio station, and a number of newspapers like “Megapolis”. The owner of this channel is not recently convicted ex-minister of energy Mukhtar Ablyazov, not fired leader of TV channel Bakhytzhan Ketebayev, it is in fact the owner of the majority of shares of big Media-holding – Armanzhan Baitasov. As Ablyazov states “Information action policy is one of indirect reasons that halted the broadcasting of a popular TV channel in Kazakhstan”. Of course, it is a good point that TAN channel is privatized now. It mustn’t’ be closed because of numbers of mistakes. It is a popular channel and it must be translated to people and continue to work. Translate news and broadcast programs.


Cullen,B. A press repressed.

Address of journalists of the television company “TAN".

“Tan” is cutting out from air of nine bullets.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Happy Halloween!
Lets Party...
(Some interesting Photos)

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Public relations

Nowadays there are many new professions that appeared several years ago. For example: computer designer, degree in international relations and of course public relations. This new way in the art, it’s duty to link to organizations, create communication between them and to support positive relationship. It is good that people create a new area of professions. Public Relations (PR) - is one of interesting job in the world.

The history of creating such kind of profession is very interesting. Denny Grisword is one of the first lady that use a definition of PR. According to her, "Public Relations is a management function which tabulates public attitudes, defines the policies, procedures and interest of an organization followed by executing a program of action to earn public understanding and acceptance." A lot of early PR programs were developed in encouraging of the expansive power of the railroads. As in fact, many educated scientifics suppose that “public relations” term was appeared in 1897 in Year Book of Railway literature. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 1998 there were about 122 000 public relations specialists and about 480 000 workers in the area of marketing, also PR and advertisers. PR managers actually deliver their information through the internet or other mass media. They give an account of sending a widely distributed opinion and conduct changes.

In Kazakhstan PR is just begin it’s step in the way of delevoping this profession. According to Erlan Askarbekov, a creator of prclub.kz, he collect all these links since year 1998. (PR CLUB LINKS). However, the results are not so bad as it expects to be. Kazakhstan has a really interesting way in PR life.

In fact, PR managers use high technologies to do their job. Nawadays it is a best way of working using internet. First of all, it is absolutely free in terms of distribution an advertising or specific press releases (Internet press releases are enumerated more quickly than websites, by search machinery, for example with “google”. Exact press release technique will often allow search engines to index your website.), fact sheets and pitch letters. (Pitch letter – is a letter, where PR manager include one sentense that is ends with a suggestion that recipient can contact a person who send this letter, with special adress or phone number). For PR people, the Internet offers a powerful, appropriate way to provide information to the press. In particular, e-mail and the Web are enlarging, often even replacing, previous methods such as telephone calls, faxes, and overnight deliveries. Some companies are use weblogs. They see the powerful PR talk produced by Blogs but don't see how blogs can be used for business purposes. It is a better way to include to the blog many advertising themes, facts, opinions, amybe photos or for example forum. Also it may include links to another sites. If there will be a telephone line, it will be always busy, but site or the weblog is much more better variant in way of getting information.

Ed Hill, PR site states that these points can be included to the professional PR-weblog

*Create and plan you weblog campaign
*Provide editorial content
*Re-purpose any work generated by your in-house writers and creatives
*Design and build a standalone blog hosted on our server
*Promote your campaign weblog with PR & Search Engine Marketing and on other weblogs
*Syndicate your campaign blog to news reader services

[ here are interesting links of some PR sites]

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Hit TV and 50/50
This channel becomes more and more popular. The reason that it is the one absolutely music channel in Kazakhstan. This is the progress in Kazakhstani television. Also, a big “plus” that teenager become to listen Kazakh songs and watch news in own language. According to the news law in KZ that was introduce in June 17 by the Minister of Information,“in the context of new frequency auctions, that it would be necessary to close certain stations or refuse to renew their broadcast licenses, if they were not in conformity with the rule requiring 50 percent Kazakh language content in broadcasting. At that time, reportedly no stations (government or private) met the 50 percent Kazakh requirement, but the threat of non-renewal was directed at a few, out-of-favor independent stations. “

If station will broke the rules, they will be closed under Kazakhstan’s language law. It dictates that 50% of all broadcast must be in the native Kazakh language. That level is virtually impossible to achieve. In fact, our own survey of Kazakhstani broadcasters stations show none of the stations can maintain the 50/50 balance including the government’s own radio and television stations. That is why many channels broadcast a Kazakh part only in the night. But these channels are not only use these law as the main one, but also they include more native programs. That is why Kazakh growing generation will speak more in their own language, and this one of the way people speaks in Kazakh.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Freedom of speech all over the world
“Congress shall make o law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; abridging the freedom of the speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peacefully to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievance”,- the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.
Freedom of the press - is the right to speak, to express your own opinion, to publish articles without any permission of the government or other country rulers. The more media are independent, the more the country develops by itself. Every people can express their own opinion. The government does not control the speech of the press. But not all countries all over the world are free, for example in CIS countries one absolutely free country is – Ukraine. It is because of the orange” revolution. The newspaper journalists and broadcasters are joined together and counterattack, protest from the regime for biased coverage of the tainted elections. There is no punishment in the Ukraine country. Libel is not criminal. “Sure, you can criticize it now more easily, you know you won’t get arrested or killed, but it’s not making any difference. Freedom of speech is just one part of democratic society: The authorities have to respond to it. Otherwise, it’s one-way traffic”, - says Serhiy Leshchenko, online journalist in Ukrainska Pradva, (Ukrainian truth).
In the other hand there is another country that doesn’t think about freedom of the press. For example: Belarus. This country has no freedom of expression. It is in the second place from the end of the list of the most “free” countries in the freedom of the press by study of “Freedom House”. The lack of freedom is because most of mass media is owned by Belarus government. Media is absolutely monopolized, and independent media have no access to print or broadcast news, and another problem is taxes. Media owners must pay a high degree taxes and high distribution and printing fees.
Looking to the United States press, it is free. As for the First Amendment, Congress protects the press from the government. Mass media now is more independent, it may cover a topics that they want to describe and “open eyes” for society. In “not free” countries government can control people through the media sources. Country rulers own a major part of media and give to know for the journalists what they need to write. Journalists write topics that government members give to press, and they write important information. These are because people that work in mass media world afraid in losing their jobs. Countries like Kazakhstan and its media is trying to be free. There are already created many independent press and online-newspapers. Kazakhstan is only developing country, its independence is only 15 years old, and US is developing for hundred years. One day Kazakhstan will attain “free speech” rang too, and everyone will express their opinion and have rights for freedom of speech.

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Monday, October 02, 2006

T (:-) Nailya!

Dear, Nailya!
I leke your blog Very-very much!
You are wonderful girl and Amazing Friend!
I'm very glad that i met you!
---------are like apples------
-----on trees. The best ones-----
-----are at the top of the tree.-----
---The boys dont want to reach---
--for the good ones because they--
--r afraid of falling and getting hurt.-
-Instead, they get the rotten apples-
from the ground that arent as good,
but easy. So the apples up top think
something wrong ! w/ them when in
--reality they're amazing. They just--
---have to wait for the right boy to
-- come along, the one who's-
--------- brave enough to-----
-------------climb all---------
-------------the way--------
--------------to the top--------
--------------of the tree.---------

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